
Landlord Licence – Do you need one?

The Housing Act 2004 set out the provisions for Landlord licencing.

How do estate agents value a unique home? Demystifying the process
Successful downsizing – our-step-by-step guide

Downsize your home successfully with our step-by-step guide.

Rising cost of living. inflation financial crisis background
7 ways to beat the Cost of Living Hikes

All we hear about these days is the cost of living crisis, with inflation hitting historic highs and energy prices going through the roof and even grocery prices increasing. This is all squeezing people’s pockets and we are all looking at different ways to help reduce our outgoings. In this guide we will give you 7 ways to beat the cost of living crisis.

Kitchen splashback bench and stools
Stylish Splashbacks

Splashbacks are perhaps one of the most practical yet undervalued components in a kitchen. If taken as a purely functional necessity, your splashback provides an easy to clean surface, protecting walls from the moisture build up associated with cooking, and indeed the occasional residue that can sometimes occur from an over enthusiastic bubbling pot. But they can be far more exciting than a mere protective surface. In this article we take a look at some fabulous splashback ideas which will definitely give your kitchen some personality and a wow factor, without compromising on the practical necessities.

Do home improvements add to the value of your home?

In this article we will look at some common home improvements and see if they add value to your home.

How to Make an Offer

In this guide we will given some hints and tips on how to make an offer and get it accepted.

Picking the perfect pizza oven for you

Which pizza oven is right for you? Read on as we will take you through the options and give you the pros and cons for each type.

How to avoid deposit disputes

Although it is quite rare that a full deposit is not returned, tenancy disputes can be distressing. In this article we will take a look at how tenants can avoid deposit disputes.

Man hand signing documentation for home mortgage with a pen. Key
What documents should I receive when buying a house?
What is a mortgage in principle?

When looking to buy a new home or taking that first step onto the property ladder, sorting your finances is perhaps the most important part of the process. This guide will take you through everything you need to know.

Model House with key on the table with alarm clock near blue wall background
How long will it take to sell my home?

Let’s take a look at the individual stages of selling a property and try to put a rough timescale on each step.